Linn County's Water and Land Legacy bond
Residents passed the Linn County Water and Land Legacy bond issue by nearly 74% approval.
The Water and Land Legacy bond would protect Water Quality and Natural Areas by:
- Protecting sources of clean drinking water with targeted wetland, easements and buffer areas
- Improving the water quality of the Cedar River, its tributaries, and other rivers and streams
- Preserving natural areas for wildlife habitat
- Maintaining land to provide natural floodwater storage to help reduce flooding
- Construct and update picnic areas, park shelters, restrooms, interactive playgrounds and nature play areas, and other park improvements
- Expand family campgrounds, including campsites, rental cabins, shower house facilities and play areas
- Increase outdoor recreational experiences for walking, hiking, and biking, as well as equestrian use and cross country skiing
- Constructing Morgan Creek County Park's trail network and creating a paved trail that will link the park to the Cedar Rapids Trail system
- Connecting the Marion trail system through Squaw Creek Park, continuing onto the Sac and Fox Trail in Cedar Rapids
- Completing the Grant Wood Trail
Accountability Measures:
- Full public disclosure of all expenditures will be required
- Projects managed by the Linn County Conservation Board
- Improvements to existing parks, recreational facilities and natural areas will be guided by approved master plans that include the community's input
- Bond will cost the average homeowner less than $2.25 per month
The Linn County Conservation Board passed a resolution at their April 23, 2018 regular meeting requesting the Linn County Board of Supervisors to sell bonds to fund 18 specific Linn County Water and Land Legacy (LCWLL) Bond Projects. These initial projects have also been reviewed by the Linn County Bond Public Review Committee. The Linn County Board of Supervisors took action on this request April 25th, and passed a resolution to issue $5,620,000 from LCWLL. Since then, an additional $6,695,000 has been requested and will be issued by the completion of 2018, bringing the total to $12,143,000 allocated toward the $40,000,000.
Click here for additional documentation and details regarding projects funded in part by Bond Dollars
Since the bond's passage in November of 2016, the Linn County Conservation Board has been working on utilizing these funds to the fullest potential, as updated in past Oak Hickory Linn County Conservation Newsletter (click below).
December 2018 Oak Hickory
August 2018 Oak Hickory
December 2017 Oak Hickory
August 2017 Oak Hickory
April 2017 Oak Hickory
December 2016 Oak Hickory
*Keep checking back for more details!*
The public is invited to attend the regular Linn County Conservation Board meetings where potential bond projects are discussed, and provide input during public comment periods. Click here for Linn County Conservation Board information
If you have any questions, please contact