Just a Walk in the Park Series – Trail 5 – J. Harold Ennis Preserve in the Full Moon Light

APR 26 2021 7:00 PM

J. Harold Ennis Preserve , Linn County

Event Summary

Join us for a walk around a small but steep loop.  We will look to see shooting stars and more wildflowers and will also examine trees and other life at the Preserve. This area was purchased in 1965 and is 33 acres in size.  As a Preserve this area was set aside to support nature education.  We should expect to see classic river bottom trees and to experience plenty of bird life with it being perched on the banks of the Cedar River.  The timing suggests we could catch sight of the first orioles returning to the area for the season.  We will also walk past the remnants of an old limestone kiln.  The moon will rise during the latter part of the hike.  It should be a lovely evening. The preserve is located SE of Cedar Rapids, at 550 Cedar River Road, Mt. Vernon.  Bring a flashlight if you wish.


Adults - $2.50

Child - $1.00

