Matsell Bridge Shooting Range Permit (2023)
DEC 31 2023 12:01 AM
Event Summary
The receipt that is e-mailed to you will serve as your permit.*
*Even though the email receipt states the "event date" is 12/31/2023-12/31/2023 the permit is good for the whole calendar year.
Family Annual Permit - Includes yourself and immediate family. Please enter the first and last name and age, check the waiver and click "Add Person." Repeat this for each immediate family member.
Immediate family is defined as a spouse, significant other, and/or unmarried children under 18 years of age living in same household. People to whom this does not apply must purchase an individual permit.
$50 fee (valid through 12/31/2023) If you purchase a family permit you must list all family members under attendees.
The range is closed during the months of January and February. Open as conditions allow the remaining months of the year. The range is open 8 a.m. daily, seven days a week. Daily closing times vary based on season. No orientation class is required. The email receipt printed from this website will serve as your permit. If you are purchasing a family permit please print a copy for each member of the household. Please have your permit with you during use of the range.
Daily permits are available for purchase at the range. The cost is $10/day. A paid daily permit may not be applied to the purchase of an annual permit. Cash or check accepted. Look for the self-registration kiosk.
Adults - $50.00
Child - $50.00
Family - $50.00