Nomad Overlanding - What's Your Adventure?

AUG 25 2018 9:00 AM

Pinicon Ridge Park , Linn County

Event Summary

Be prepared for your next adventure. This program is Basic Car Camping to full Overlanding. You can do this on a bicycle, a bus or on foot. Maybe in a Honda Civic or a highly modified off road 4X4. It is all about exploring to the best of your ability, budget, experience, and sense of adventure. Topics covered: destinations, length of the trip, terrain, possible dangers or problems that you might encounter, vehicle preparation and type, basic field medicine, fire building and safety. Proper packing for any type of vehicle for a weekend or a 60-day trip, camp cooking, with tasty treat samples that are easy to make and clean up. We will even talk about gear choices and where to purchase them.  Get involved in cooking, setting up shelters, and all of the other demonstrations we may do. Try your hand with some basic ropes and knots, very basic rescue for people and vehicles, tire repair on trail, communication, basic map and compass use and so on. The main thing we do is have fun! Get the family involved! Cost is $25/person, children under 15 free. Bring a lawn chair. Registration deadline: August 22. Call Jenny at 319-892-6485 to register.


Adults - $25.00

