They Came For Furs and Lead; Voyager Canoe Paddle--CANCELLED DUE TO HIGH RIVER LEVELS
SEP 09 2018 2:00 PM
Event Summary
this event has been cancelled due to high Wapsipinicon River levels
Let your mind return to the Mississippi River around the time of Julien Dubuque, to experience the lifestyle, tools, clothing, and skills of the early French explorers who came to trade furs and to mine lead in Iowa. Mark Wagner, former Education Director from the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium, will appear in costume to relate history and demonstrate skills and lore of early river exploration along the Mississippi River and connecting waterways. Mark, a native of Dubuque, has made a study of the Mississippi River history and its resources. Following Mark’s reenactment, rides in the reproduction voyager canoes will take place at 3pm, 3:30pm and 4pm. This event is free, but you must reserve a time slot to crew a canoe. Please register by calling 319-892-6485 and specify the time you prefer and how many will be in your group.