Kayak Safety Basics
SEP 01 2020 5:30 PM
Event Summary
Have you purchased a new kayak? Would you like some education to help you to become a better, more skilled paddler? The backwaters at Pinicon Ridge Park are a great place to practice and learn about open water kayaking, but in a controlled backwater setting rather than out on a river channel where current would need to be addressed. Join ACA certified kayak instructors as we cover pfd's, equipment, river etiquette, where to paddle, and safety. We will practice basic strokes, graceful entry and exit of a kayak, and more. This session should be helpful to even experienced paddlers but is ideal for those just getting their feet wet. Linn County Conservation is inviting you to join us at Eagle View Shelter near the Watercraft Rental building in the park. Shelter is shown here: https://www.mycountyparks.com/County/Linn/Park/Pinicon-Ridge-Park/Facility/Shelter-Eagle-View.aspx
The boat concession is nearby and can be seen here: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Pinicon+Ridge+Boat+Concession/@42.2151386,-91.5453267,16z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x87e4eabd9af8ca05:0x55b7c59626ab432a!8m2!3d42.2131352!4d-91.5394807
The fee is $10 per person.. Participants should provide their own kayaks and gear if possible. Everyone should dress to get wet and possibly a bit muddy. A towel and dry clothes to change into is recommended. Water shoes are suggested, but an old pair of sneakers would work also. Flip-flops are strongly discouraged. Youth 10 and up are welcome but must be supervised by an adult.
Due to the COVID virus, all participants will be asked to verify that they have no symptoms nor have they for at least 2 weeks at the start of the class, agree to wear a mask on land and that they will maintain social distancing, agree to wear pfd's while on or near the water.
Preregistration is required. Limited to a total of strictly 8 registrants. Participants are strongly encouraged to supply their own pfd, kayak and paddle - although some limited gear may also be provided upon request in advance of the class. Hand sanitizer should accompany you also.
If you have a condition that makes you more susceptible to COVID-19, then you should not take the course at this time, wait and elect to take the course at a later time. Should a person registered begin to feel symptomatic, they should alert us immediately, consult their physician, stay home from the class and they will be issued a full refund.
In case of inclement weather threatening you can call Wickiup Hill until 4:30 PM the day of the event. You also can consult the Wickiup Hill Facebook page and we will have that information updated as quickly as possible if it looks inclement. For further questions on the kayak sessions feel free to call us at Wickiup Hill at (319) 892-6485.
Refund and cancellation policy: https://www.mycountyparks.com/County/Linn/FAQ.aspx
Adults - $10.00
Child - $10.00