SOLD OUT Spring 2018 Operation ReLeaf
APR 21 2018 7:30 AM
Event Summary
Beautify your yard and save energy from Alliant Energy’s Operation ReLeaf. Trees retail for $65 or more, but Alliant Energy customers can purchase them for just $25 each, thanks to a grant from Alliant Energy! In addition to being beautiful, properly placed trees shade your home in summer and block the wind in winter. Advance purchase is recommended. You may order up to two trees. Trees must be picked up on Saturday, April 21 between 7:30am and 9:00am at Squaw Creek Park (4305 Squaw Ln, Marion). In the event that additional trees are available on distribution day, they will be released for purchase at 7:30am on a first come/first served basis or until all trees are sold. Any trees not picked up by 9:00am on distribution day will be considered a donation to the Linn County Conservation Board.Trees are non-refundable, exchange cannot be accepted, and plant material is under no warranty and/or guarantee. For maximum energy savings, plant shade trees within 30 feet of the east and west of your home, Plant evergreens as a windbreak on the north and west of your home. Contact Iowa One Call at 1-800-292-8989 or at least three business days before you dig. They’ll send someone to locate underground utility lines for you. This is a free service. Attend a short, free workshop to learn the best way and place to plant a tree. The workshop begins at 8:00am on pickup day. Register by emailing Bonus: One lucky workshop participants will receive free pruning shears and a hand saw. 450 trees are available for purchase. Shade trees are five to eight feet tall in seven to 10-gallon containers. Conifers and ornamentals are three to five feet tall in five to seven-gallon containers. Download your order form today!
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