Operation ReLeaf

OCT 06 2012 7:30 AM

Wanatee Park , Linn County

Event Summary

Alliant Energy, Linn County Conservation Department, and Iowa DNR are once again working together to offer Iowa residents the opportunity to purchase landscape trees at discount prices through the Operation ReLeaf program. Since 2001, more than 45,341 trees have been planted throughout the state of Iowa during 119 Operation ReLeaf events. This fall, Operation ReLeaf will take place at Squaw Creek Park, October 6, 7:30AM-9AM (trees must be picked up during this time).   The trees available include: Blackgum’ (40 available); Littleleaf Linden Glenleven (75 Available); Pin Oak (50 available); Northern Red Oak (50 available); River Birch Heritage (50 Available); Scarlet Oak (50 available); Sugar Maple ‘Fall Fiesta’ (75 available); Eastern Redbud (75 available); Pagoda Dogwood (35 available) White Pine (44 available). 

Alliant Energy customers are eligible to purchase tress for $25 each and limited to two trees per household.  Advanced purchase is recommended.  
Click here for updated information about tree availability and the order form.


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