Operation ReLeaf

SEP 21 2015 12:00 PM

Wanatee Park , Linn County

Event Summary

Operation ReLeaf is a program to help Alliant Energy customers save energy in their homes using trees to provide shade during the summer and crease windbreaks during the winter.  Before ordering, we highly recommend you use the iTree design tools, which uses google earth to show you where the best placement for your tree is to reduce energy usage. Even if you don’t live in Linn or Johnson County, you are welcome to purchase a tree at these events as long as you are an Alliant customer.  To order, just open, complete, and print the attached order form.  Mail the order form in with your check to the address on the order form.  You are allowed to order up to two trees.  Please order early to insure you get your first choice of species.    Because of the spread of Emerald Ash Borer in Iowa, we recommend planting a replacement tree within 30 feet of any existing ash trees which you do not intend to treat.  Be sure to plant a diverse mix of trees on your property and in your neighborhood to reduce the possibility of losing a large number of trees due to forest health threats. 

Choose the location that works best for you.  You do not need to live in the distribution county to order from that county.  This is a great opportunity for area residents to purchase trees that retail between $65.00 and $125.00 for only $25.00. 

Linn County – Marion Partner:  Linn County Conservation Board Location: 

Squaw Creek Park

4305 Squaw Lane, Marion

Saturday, September 26 7:30 am – 9:00 am

Tree Planting and Care Workshop:  8:15 am  

Species available:Heritage Oak, Bitternut Hickory, American Linden Front Yard, Kentucky Coffeetree,  Katsuratree, Pagoda Dogwood, and Bald Cypress.


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