Landowner Workshop and Expo

SEP 17 2017 12:30 PM

Wickiup Hill Learning Center , Linn County

Event Summary

A Linn County movement is beginning to help landowners bring
more nature to their land. Together, we can restore and preserve
10,000 more acres of natural land in Linn County! This will benefit
pollinators and wildlife, increase water quality and help mitigate
flooding. Our neighborhoods will be healthier, our waters cleaner,
and our lives more interesting. Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation,
Monarch Research Project, Trees Forever, and Linn County
Conservation are partnering to bring this informational forum to
landowners in Linn County and surrounding counties. If you are
a landowner of an acre or more, you will have the opportunity to
meet helpful experts, learn the benefits of natural land and about
federal, state and local funds available when you restore nature
on your land. Go to to RSVP.


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