Iowa Great Lakes Archaeology (rescheduled from February 6 postponement)

Event Summary

Current Iowa State Archaeologist John Doershuk will present his recent research from the Iowa Lakeside Laboratory archaeological field schools in recent summers that have focused on investigating two Prairie Lakes Woodland sites in Dickinson County, Iowa,. These sites are located at the Kettleson-Hogsback Wildlife Area and at Min-Wakan State Park. Both sites have excellent faunal preservation and both have yielded excellent examples of typical Prairie Lakes Woodland Fox Lake and Lake Benton wares. These sites, with the Arthur site, represent the only three Prairie Lakes Woodland contexts formally investigated in Iowa. The context and findings from the Arthur site will be compared with the fieldwork and current results for from the last few summers of work. Cost is $2.50/adult, $1/child16 and under or $5/family.


Adults - $2.50

Child - $1.00

Family - $5.00

