Student Air Rifle (SAR) Exploratory Meeting
AUG 27 2019 6:00 PM
Event Summary
Air rifles are safe, universal and fun, making them the go-to tool to introduce youth and adults to the sport of target shooting. SAR uses units of study, teacher training, universal whistle commands, positive language, and standardized equipment to facilitate an introduction to the lifetime sport of target shooting to school-aged youth in grades 4 through 12. The SAR program uses a series of lessons to build up to the first shots one can take at 10 meters. In this exploratory meeting, we will go through the first 4 lessons, which lead up to lesson 5 when shooting can begin. If you wish to join in on shooting the air rifles in future programs - join us to learn more and study/pass these first lessons. Cost $5 per student. Registration is limited. Additional programs will be offered to those completing these first 4 lessons in the future.
Child - $5.00