Toddler Toadstools: Polar Bear, Polar Bear What do you See?
NOV 19 2010 9:30 AM
Event Summary
November 19- Polar Bear, What do you See? Burn off some of your winter time energy as we read the story and pretend to be all of the animals in it.Program held at Wickiup Hill.
Ages 1-4: All Toadstool programs are held from9:30-10:15 a.m.Enjoy the outdoors with your little one as we explore elements of nature through fun activities! These programs are held at the Morgan Creek Park arboretum, weather permitting, or at WickiupHillOutdoorLearning Center -note location under description.Class size is limited.$2/child.Register by calling 892-6485 or online at at least 3 days before the program date.
Child - $2.00