Rod Builders Workshop
NOV 13 2010 9:00 AM
Event Summary
13 - Saturday - Rod Builders Workshop9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Wickiup HillComeandlearnaboutrodbuildingwithmanymasters of the craft from throughout the Midwest.Weare arranging a variety of topics to be coveredincluding guideplacementsystems, tools of the tradeand much more. The meeting is free to anyoneinterestedinrodbuildingfrombeginnerstoprofessionalandallwill leave withknowledgetoproducecustom fishing rods.Wewill take a donation tocover food expenses.Wewill draw for a number ofdoor prizes during the day. Formoreinformation ordirections, please contactChuckat 892-6485.