Meet Iowa Raptors - EVENT FULL

Event Summary

Buchanan County Conservation Board’s (BCCB) Fontana Park houses a number of wildlife species in a display that aims to help make visitors more aware of and educated about the status and conservation of native Iowa wildlife. Among the residents of the display are a red-tailed hawk with a wing injury that rendered him unable to fly, a great horned owl with one eye that would be unable to hunt efficiently and a turkey vulture with an amputated wing – also unable to fly.  

BCCB Naturalist Sondra Cabell will be bringing these birds, now program ambassadors, to Wickiup Hill Learning Center and we invite you to register for the opportunity to see them up close and personal. Learn about the life history of these and other raptors, the unique adaptations that help them survive, the challenges they face and how you can observe and protect them in their natural habitats. The program will be limited, masks are required, and we will be outside for the program. Meet on the front sidewalk. Program is free, however registration required at 

