Archaeology at Cahokia Mounds: Program Date Change

Event Summary

Cahokia Mounds, outside of E. St. Louis,was the central occupation site for the Mississippian culture from approximately AD850to 1350.  At its zenith, it was estimated to have had anywhere from 10,000 to 30,000 occupants and 220 mounds.  Fred Gee, Iowa Archaeology Society board member, has participated in excavation projects at Cahokia Moundsfor six years. His first two years were on the West Palisade Project; the next three at Mound 34; and last summer on the North Palisade Project. His presentation will include an overview of Cahokia Mounds and each of the three projects on which he worked. Cost is $2.50/adult, $1/child 16 and under, or $5/family.


Adults - $2.50

Child - $1.00

