EVENT FULL- Wilderness First Aid Course
JAN 29 2022 8:00 AM
Event Summary
This two day course immerses participants in basic wilderness medicine procedures, preparing individuals to take immediate action when an outdoor activity doesn't go as planned and 911 Responders are hours away. Time is split between interactive classroom sessions and hands-on field scenarios to prepare participants and help them quickly develop basic backcountry medical care skills. The course focus is on patient assessment, stabilization and emergency treatment of issues such as hypothermia and snakebites, as well as understanding of when and how to attempt evacuation. Participants will emerge capable of calmly responding to a wide variety of emergency situations. Minimum age requirement for this course is 14.
This OSRE/Sierra Rescue International certification course presents skills and techniques according to practice guidelines established by the Wilderness Medical Society as outlined in the Wilderness Medical Society Practice Guidelines.
Students completing the course will receive a nationally recognized 16hr SRI Wilderness First Aid Card (good for three years!)
Your registration on this website holds a spot - but your registration is not considered complete until we have a check secured in the amount of $195 per participant prior to the December 23 deadline. Checks must be made out to Linn County Treasurer and must be sent to Wickiup Hill LC, 10260 Morris Hills Road, Toddville, IA 52341.
We have a full kitchen available and participants are encouraged to bring snacks to share for a sharing table, if you like. Meals are not provided, but there may be some accommodations to share food potluck style. More details will be sent as this firms up.