Adventure Day Dialogue
FEB 03 2024 10:00 AM
Event Summary
Come and join us for a fun filled day learning about various adventures you can consider for the year ahead of you – based on those behind some of our presenters. We will provide the popcorn and you show up for any one of these or all - to learn more about a recap of a Through Backpacking Trip in Colorado, Adventure in Your Backyard, Whitewater Kayaking in Canada with Iowa folks, Rock Climbing in Iowa, and more! Watch social media for updates on timing but programs begin on the hour and run about 45 minutes, then are open to questions and answers before switching out for the next guest. Our keynote will run for 2 of these sessions AND – we provide the popcorn! FREE.
Break up winter and treat cabin fever with a day of tales and accounts of outdoor adventures! Pick and choose sessions, or bring a sack lunch and stay for the entire event.
Sessions for Adventure Day Dialogue include:
10 - 11 a.m. A Thru-hiker Guide to the Colorado Trail Part how-to, part storytelling, as Johnson County naturalist Kristen Morrow will share tips and adventures from her 2019 thru-hike of an epic 500-mile trail across the state of Colorado.
11 - 11: 45 a.m. Almost Backyard Adventures - Travelling far from home has not been possible recently for Kip Ladage, wilderness paddler, backpacker, and outdoor photographer. Rather than become discouraged, he has embraced the situation as an opportunity to explore close to home.
11:45 a.m. - Noon - Free popcorn and social break
Noon -12:45 p.m. More from Kip as he continues to share his photos and humorous stories of his close to home escapades.
1-1:45 p.m. Whitewater Kayaking in Canada - A section of the Ottawa River in Beachburg, Ontario, is known as ground zero for whitewater playboat kayaking around the globe. Whitewater kayakers challenge themselves with features such as Buseater, Python, and Dragon’s Tooth. Tag along with Dave Hillman and Piper Wall who will take you along on their recent adventure!
2 - 3 p.m. Iowa Climbing - A Lifetime of Opportunity Raud Kashef is the Adventure Recreation Coordinator at the University of Iowa and President of the Iowa Climbers Coalition. Learn about his passion for Iowa climbing and his efforts to expand local climbing opportunities. His motivation has brought more people into the fold while building a responsible, ethical climbing community.
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