JUN 01 2024 9:00 AM
Event Summary
Help us celebrate the vital importance of invertebrates to our ecological, economic, and social health. This year families are invited to experience the 17-year cicada brood emergence. Two cicadas, Broods XIX and XIII, will both peak between May and June as they mate and lay eggs around wooded areas in Iowa. Participants may also search for other critters in or around the area as part of our annual assessment. Catch cicadas, crawdads, snails, and insects hatching along the trails and wetland of the Wickiup Hill Learning Center. Linn County Conservation Naturalists will help identify critters and will have some nets and microscopes on hand for viewing and identifying samples.
Naturalist-led hikes to look for cicadas and more will be offered at both 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.
Family friendly activity stations will also be available.
Wear clothes and shoes that can get wet or dirty and bring a net if you have one.
Come and go from 9 a.m.-noon. Open to all ages. Free. No registration is required.