O.W.L.S. - Older Wiser Livelier Seniors - If You Build It, They Will Come

APR 22 2025 10:30 AM

Wickiup Hill Learning Center , Linn County

Event Summary

Join us for this program on landscaping your yard to make it better for wildlife.  Chuck Ungs has been planting trees and other plants since he was a child, he will go over some of the plants and improvements he has made to draw wildlife in to his lot.  Lots of lovely photos to chat about!

Free, but you can save a spot by signing up or just show up!  When we wrap up you may wish to hang around and bring a sack lunch to enjoy with your new acquaintances.  This series is a new adventure for us, we hope it catches on!  Program scheduled for 10:30-11:30 AM.

