Minerals and Their Properties: The Building Blocks of Rocks
MAR 06 2013 7:00 PM
Event Summary
"Minerals and Their Properties"-The Building Blocks of Rocks February 21 – Thursday, 7:00 p.m. at Wickiup Hill
This interactive program will introduce you to the basic and special properties of minerals which are the materials that make up all of earth's rocks. We will explore the nature of minerals in general and also focus in on Iowa minerals. As part of the program you will be introduced to and use a simple key that can be used to identify common minerals. In using this simple scientific key you can gain a clearer understanding of the properties of minerals and what makes them unique. There will be samples of a few common minerals available for you to start you own collection. Bring a hand lens or magnifying glass with you if you have one. Bill Desmarais is vice-president of the Cedar Valley Rocks and Minerals Society and a long time earth science educator now retired Advanced Registration: Not required/show up Cost: $2.50/adult, $1/child (16 and under) or $5/family
Adults - $2.50
Child - $1.00
Family - $5.00