GeoCaching 301, 201 &101
SEP 05 2009 11:00 AM
Event Summary
This class will cover the basics such as how to use the geocaching web site to advance techniques using a Gramin 60CSx GPSr. The class will conclude outside where we will hunt several geocaches placed for the event. Please visit for the complete itinerary. Come during anytime depending on your skill level. Experienced geocachers will be along to offer assistance. Dress appropriately for the outside portion. Cost is $2.50/adult, $1/child 16 and under or $5/family.
GeoCaching 301, 201, 101 Itinerary
11:00am – Noon: GeoCaching 301 (for Garmin 60CSx GPSr users)
Topics covered:·
- Creating custom icons for your Garmin 60CSx
Noon – 1:00pm: GeoCaching 201 (Paperless GeoCaching)
- Creating a macro in GSAK to allow your “notes” to tell you the Cache Size, Difficulty & Terrain, Hint, Status of the last 4 finds for your Garmin 60CSx.
Topics covered:
1:00pm – 3:00pm: GeoCaching 101 (Introduction to GeoCaching)
- Using virtually any PDA to store all the GeoCache information you need. No more printing out the Cache listing!
Topics Covered, Classroom from 1:00pm – 2:00pm:
- What is GeoCaching?
- How do I start?
- Where are the GeoCache’s
- Who GeoCache’s & why?
- What is a GPS and how does it work?
- Looking up a GeoCache
Lets go find some Cache’s! (2:00pm – 3:00pm)
- Marking a Waypoint
Adults - $2.50
Child - $1.00