Monarch Butterfly Outreach Program

MAY 03 2013 12:00 PM

Wickiup Hill Learning Center , Linn County

Event Summary

In February 2012, Marion native, Debbie (McCleary) Jackson and another Monarch Watch associate traveled to the Monarch sanctuaries in Mexico. They were able to procure 500 of the adhesive identification tags that volunteers throughout North America place on the butterflies on their return migrations to Mexico. Local villagers, who are paid, remove the tags from fallen butterflies. The tags are sent to Monarch Watch for their migrations research. Monarch Watch was organized in 1992 to engage the public in studies of the Monrach Butterfly. One of the primary objectives is to solicit help with establishing Waystation gardens. This can be accomplished by restoring native species of milkweed throughout the United States, 3 common to Iowa. Jackson will present slides of her trip to the sancturies, teach how to raise and release the Monarch caterpillars,how to establish needed Waystation gardens and share her knowledge of breeding the Monarchs. Non-invasive Milkweed seeds will be available for participants attending, as well as, other educational materials.


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