Fuzzy, Furry, Slimy, Scaly

JUN 19 2014 10:00 AM

Wickiup Hill Learning Center , Linn County

Event Summary

Participants will learn about the categories of creatures using live animals and many hands-on examples.  We will learn about what makes the groups the same and what makes them different.  Join the fun in the pavilion near the duck pen. The Cedar Rapids Park and Recreation Department, Iowa DNR and Linn CCD cosponsor this annual educational program. Register at the Ambroz Recreation Center at 286-5731. Bring a sack lunch not needing refrigeration and a bottle of water. Dress to wade in the stream. Cost is $11 per 8-11 year old student.  This program is held at Bever Park Duck Pond Pavilon


Child - $11.00

