Introduction to Reiki

Event Summary

Begin your new year with a Reiki introductory workshop in a most beautiful setting, Wickiup Hill Learning Center! Learn the healing art of setting intentions from a state of clarity and empowerment with Reiki Master Teacher, Jessica Kruse. Reiki is the gentle use of life force energy as a method of awakening the body and mind’s ability to heal itself naturally as energy blocks are removed along primary chakra centers. Reiki is an extremely gentle form of energy work which you can begin practicing immediately after the introduction. You can expect to leave this class with a solid New Year Intention set and a better understanding of how Reiki works - after some hands on meditation, healing practice and demonstrations. Cost: $35 and is limited to 15 participants. Pre-register by calling 892-6485 to hold your spot and pay by Jan. 9.


Adults - $35.00

