Whimsical Gourd Plant Hanger
JUN 09 2015 5:30 PM
Event Summary
Usher in the summer with this fun-filled class and make a unique, one-of-kind, whimsical gourd plant hanger. Gourd artist & President of the Iowa Gourd Society Sharon Foster will lead students in creating a colorful hard-shell Gourd Plant Hanger. Not only will students create their own gourd planter, but
the class will also consist of sculpting a dragonfly, butterfly or lizard to attach to the planter. Students will also leave with potting mix and a small plant to put in their planter. As an added bonus, if the student desires, Sharon will have some gourd seedlings available for students to take home and plant in their gardens along with growing & harvesting instructions. Please note: As gourds are a gift from nature, each gourd will be unique in its own way. Students should bring to class a set of long-needle nose pliers and a pair of garden gloves. Cost is $45/person. Please make checks payable to: Sharon Foster and mail to Wickiup Learning Center. Deadline: April 30. To cancel your registration, please give at least a 48 hour notice prior to class.
Adults - $45.00