Nature Playscape Children's Input Sessions
AUG 11 2015 10:30 AM
Event Summary
Wickiup Hill is currently in the design process of an outdoor Nature Playscape. This area will allow kids to interact with natural items, build, climb and play! It is our desire that this area spark true creativity and innovation, and lead to a deep love of the outdoors. In order to make it the best possible place for the children though, we need their help! We want them to come and play, show us what interests them, see what they do with pieces to build with, and most of all tell us what they like and don't like. This will be a fun, interactive hour of play. Other sessions will also be held Thursday, August 13th, 10:30-11:30 am, Wednesday, August 19th, 10-11am as part of the Science with Squirts program and Saturday, October 10th, 10-12 as part of Fall Fest.
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