Wetland Interpretive Trail at Langwood

Discover Wetland Interpretive Trail at Langwood in Louisa County

The Wetland Interpretive Trail at Langwood is a 45-acre parcel that is open to the public. This area features a .5-mile, hard-packed, crushed lime, trail loop that winds through the prairie with 14 vibrant interpretive signs sharing information about the importance of wetlands, as well as the plants and animals that call it home. The are also features a wetland and a small pond that is open for fishing. The grounds are open to nature exploration, hiking, fishing, birding or photography. 

Hunting is NOT allowed. 

  • Wetland Interpretive Trail - .5-mile trail loop with a crushed lime surface.  It is complete with two foot-bridges and 14 interpretive panels that help visitors understand the importance of wetlands, watershed and all the plants and wildlife that depend on wetlands for habitat.
  • LIC Pond - this pond is stocked with fish and offers good bass and pan fishing opportunities.
  • Native habitats - the majority of the property is covered in reconstructed native prairie and wetlands.  Visitors can view a diversity of native grasses and forbs.
  • Bee Hotel - there is a bee hotel located in the SW portion of the property, offering shelter to our solitary, native bees.
  • Circle Drive - There is a one-way circle drive for accessing the small gravel parking lot.  You will notice that there are just two tracts of concrete. This is to limit run-off and increase absorption of rain water.  The circle-drive is a one-way road.  Enter from the further north tract and exit on the south side.