Clanton Creek Recreational Area

Clanton Creek Clanton Creek Clanton Creek

Discover Clanton Creek Recreational Area in East Peru

This 1115 acre wildlife area is made up of three adjoining management units from west to east and identified by the following (Deer Creek Unit, 120 acres; Turkey Ridge Unit, 275 acres; Clanton Unit, 320 acres; Sawyer Unit 400), and is the largest park that the Board owns. This area is managed as a wilderness area open to fishing, public hunting and hiking. This is one of Madison County’s largest remaining remnants of land locked wilderness. There are no interior roads throughout the entire area which spans 2 1/4 miles east and west and a mile north and south. The landlocked feature enables this area to be one of Madison County’s most pristine wildlife areas and prime public-hunting areas. Access to the interior of the park is pedestrian only. The primary habitat is upland oak/hickory forest with terrain that varies from gently rolling to steep ravines. Other unique habitats present are oak-savanna prairie, ridge top tall-grass prairies, and numerous small wetlands.

Public Hunting
5+ miles of hiking trails
Primitive camp sites
6-acre pond
Three parking areas