Eveland Access Campgrounds


 Eveland boasts a 44-unit campground, divided into the east (22.5 acres) and west (33.5 acres.

Basic Campground Policies and Rules 

(Please note this is a basic list not an exhaustive list. For full rules and regulations please see this list.)

  1. VIOLATIONS: Violation of any state law or county park regulations by any member of a camping party is cause for revocation of the camping permit and the entire camping party shall be required to leave the Area.
  2. FEES: When any campground is open and in usable condition all charges and fees shall be in effect and shall be enforced as set forth in the official fee schedule approved by the Board.
  3. REGISTERING: All camping parties at Eveland Access must register before placing a camping unit or vehicle on the site.
  4. ONE UNIT PER SITE: It shall be unlawful for more than one camping party or camping unit to occupy a campsite.
  5. PARKING: It shall be unlawful to park any motor vehicle outside the parking area designated at each campsite. No more than two registered vehicles are permitted at any campsite.
  6. QUIET HOURS: All campers shall maintain quiet and avoid excessive noise in the campground between the hours of 10:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M.
  7. MOVING (Eveland Access only): No camping unit or camping party shall move from its registered campsite to another campsite without prior approval from the Director or his authorized representative.
  8. TIME LIMIT: No camping party or camping unit of any kind shall occupy any campground more than fourteen consecutive days without permission from the Director or his authorized representative.    
  9. VISITORS: Any person visiting a camping party in the campground must park only in designated areas and vacate the campground and park by 10:00 P.M.
  10. MINORS: No one under the age of 18 shall be allowed to camp at any MCCB area unless that person is participating in a legitimate youth group or accompanied by a parent or legal guardian for the entire night(s) that the camping unit is occupied. Unsupervised camping minors allowed only with permit issued in advance by the MCCB Director or his representative.
  11. CHECK-OUT TIME: Check-out time for all campers is 2:00 P.M.
  12. RESTORING SITE: Campers shall restore their campsite to the same approximate condition or better than when they found it.
  13. RESERVATIONS: Campsites cannot be reserved. A campsite will only be considered occupied when proper fees have been paid, and a camping unit or vehicle is in place at the site.
  14. REFUNDS: No cash refunds for camping fees. Credit for a paid night MAY be given after a written request indicating date, amount and situation is submitted to and approved by the MCCB Director.  Camp fee credit must be used during the camping season in which the fee was originally paid.
  15. WATER HYDRANTS: No Continuous hook-up to water hydrants at Eveland Access. Hydrants may be used for filling holding tanks then must be disconnected.
  16. EXTERNAL LIGHTING: Must contain lighting within campsite.
  17. REVOCATION OF CAMPING PRIVILEGES: Custodians are given authority to refuse camping privileges and to rescind any and all camping permits for cause.

Violation of park rules and regulations may result in fines and user privileges being rescinded.



Located 4 miles southwest of Beacon at 2890 Galeston Avenue, Oskaloosa, IA 52577. 


East Side Campground Features

  • 26 campsites
  • 30-amp electrical campsites
  • Pit toilet accommodations
  • Fire ring
  • Picnic table
  • Electric Shelter House
  • Playground

West Side Campground Features

  • 18 Campsites
  • 30 amp and 50-amp electrical campsites
  • 5 pull through campsites
  • Unisex shower house
  • Fire ring
  • Picnic table



The campgrounds open the Friday of the 3rd full weekend in April (weather permitting) and close the last full weekend in October.

QUIET HOURS:  All campers shall maintain quiet and avoid excessive noise in the campground between the hours of 10:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M.


Cost is $20.00 dollars per night. Payment envelopes can be found at the kiosks situated on both sides of the campgrounds.  Self-registration is required.  Fill out the payment envelope completely, enclose your payment, place in the payment box, and place your portion of the envelope on the post at your site.