Shelter - North Bay
This shelter is open to the public on a first come/first served basis. Shelter includes picnic tables, grill areas, and an attached deck for viewing wildlife on the lake.
Check-In / Out Availability Check-in is after N/A and check-out is before N/A.
Location Located on the north side of the park
- Electricity
- Picnic Table
- Refuse cans
- Restroom
Hours of Operation & Seasons
Recreational Area Hours are 5:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Green Castle Road
Ph: 641-752-5490
Gilman, IA, 50106
Area is open year round.
Where You'll Be
Marshall County
The Marshall County Conservation Board is located in central Iowa and home to the GrimesFarm and Conservation Center. Additionally, the Marshall County Conservation Board manages 33 individual parks, trails, natural area and historic sites encompassing over 2,800 acres across the county.