Brown Bag Bunch - What are Essential Oils and how can they help you?
JAN 09 2018 11:30 AM
GrimesFarm Conservation Center and Recreation Area , Marshall County
Event Summary
On January 9th at the Grimes Farm and Conservation Center, Kathrin Herr, Young Living Essential Oils Distributor will discuss how to use all natural, therapeutic grade essential oils to live your healthiest life. Essential oils can replace every toxin in your home (perfume, cleaning supplies, personal care products, health supplements, etc.) to help you live a healthy, chemical-free life! Learn the “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” “why,” and “how” of essential oils and make your own roller bottle or cleaning spray bottle to start replacing the chemicals in your home with all-natural, therapeutic grade essential oils. Participants must pre-register and pay the $5.00 registration fee before January 3, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. to reserve limited spots. To register call 641-752-5490.
Class Registration
You must register and pay any fees associated with the class by the deadline date. If you have not paid fees, you will not be registered. If you cancel after the registration deadline, monies will not be refunded due to the fact that materials have already been purchased for the class. MCCB can also now take credit card payments, however you must come to GrimesFarm and Conservation Center. Many classes have limited spots. This is to insure we can provide quality programming to participants. It is best to call early for limited spot classes because many fill up quickly.
Adults - $5.00