Nature Activity Kits
APR 12 2021 8:00 AM
GrimesFarm Conservation Center and Recreation Area , Marshall County
Event Summary
Looking for a fun way to learn more about science and exploring nature? Each month the naturalist will prepare family and youth activities related to the seasonal topic. Activities will include crafts, games, outdoor exploration and more. Along with each kit, families will receive background information to learn more about the topic and one Facebook Live Nature Story will be related to the topic. Families need to pre-register and make payment of $10.00 per month to secure limited spots. Each kit provides a craft set for one child. Each additional craft set needed will cost an additional $5.00 per monthly box. Register by calling the Conservation Center at 641-752-5490, emailing, or text only 641-758-9777. Topics, registration deadlines, and pick up dates are as follows: March - Making Tracks Registration Deadline March 5 Kit pick up the week of March 15
April - Fun Fungi Registration Deadline April 2 Kit pick up the week of April 12
Child - $10.00