Brown Bag Bunch - Ty Smedes Presents South Georgia Island - Nature's Masterpiece
NOV 01 2022 11:30 AM
GrimesFarm Conservation Center and Recreation Area , Marshall County
Event Summary
Registration Fee: FREE Deadline: October 28 by 4:00 p.m.
In the Atlantic Ocean, nestled about halfway between the tips of South America and Africa, a 100-mile-long mountainous island towers above the sea. Its beaches are a wildlife paradise, crowded with battling bull Elephants and Fur Seals, all vying for space with several species of penguins, which number in the hundreds of thousands! This British protectorate (former headquarters for the South Atlantic whaling fleet) is now managed as a pristine environment. Home to more than 100 million birds, including several species of Albatross, these protective measures are expected to push the population to 300 million birds. Come see and learn about this magical place as we ply the scenic bays aboard the Ortelius, an expedition ship built to navigate some of the roughest seas in the world