Brown Bag Bunch - Ty Smedes presents Mongolia - Land of the Nomades
JAN 17 2024 11:30 AM
GrimesFarm Conservation Center and Recreation Area , Marshall County
Event Summary
Wednesday, January 17 at 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
GrimesFarm and Conservation Center
Registration Fee: FREE Deadline: January 12 by 4:00 p.m.
Sandwiched between Russia, China, and Kazakhstan, is Mongolia- a beautiful country noted for its nomadic people and culture. These nomads, who are superb horsemen, celebrate a time-honored tradition of hunting with trained Golden Eagles from horseback, for fox and hare. Join nature photographer and world traveler Ty Smedes as he narrates a slide presentation exploring the Mongolian countryside, while experiencing the rich culture as a guest of local nomadic people. We’ll also journey far to the south of the country, to explore the Flaming Cliffs, and renowned Gobi Desert, where seemingly endless sand dunes and the Bactrian Camel herders reign. There is no fee for this program. However, preregistration is required by January 12 before 4:00 p.m. Register by calling 641-752-5490, emailing, or texting only 641-758-9777.