Life In the Iowa River:
APR 02 2016 10:00 AM
GrimesFarm Conservation Center and Recreation Area , Marshall County
Event Summary
The Iowa River Friends invites you to their annual meeting! IRF is a small grassroots organization that is dedicated to enjoying, protecting and improving the Iowa River ( We hope to engage interested citizens up and down the river to learn about the Iowa River and discuss their perspectives on the Iowa River -- how is the river important to you, where do you see room for improvement, what needs to be protected, etc. The annual meeting will feature speakers on wildlife, paddling and the history of the Iowa River. We will unveil IRF's first State of the Iowa River report, which hopes to provide a common background on information regarding the condition of the Iowa River and possibilities for future improvement. Lastly, we will begin a discussion of how the citizens of the Iowa River watershed could begin to work together, collaboratively to enjoy, protect and improve the Iowa River now and into the future.
3. Speakers: a. John Wenck: Iowa DNR Water Trails Coordinator. John will provide a historical perspective on the Iowa River and ways to enjoy paddling on the river. b. Duane Ninneman; Executive Director CURE (Clean up the River Environment; Minnesota). c. TBD: Discussion about Wildlife in the Iowa River Corridor.
4. Suggested audience: This is the Annual Meeting of the Iowa River Friends. We welcome anybody interested in learning about the Iowa River and getting involved with improving the quality of life in and around the River. We hope to engage citizens to take a proactive role in the future of the Iowa River.
5. Registration cost: $106.
6. The event will run from 9:30-2:00.
7. Registration deadline: March 26th
8. To register:
9. Lunch will be: Haley's pulled pork sandwich with potato salad and brownie.
Special Events