Ray Thomas Wildlife Preserve

Ray Thomas Wildlife Preserve Ray Thomas Wildlife Preserve Ray Thomas Wildlife Preserve Prairie Compass Plant Rattlesnake Master

Discover Ray Thomas Wildlife Preserve in hastings

The Ray Thomas Wildlife Preserve is a 90-acre preserve that consists of 49 acres of bottomland timber, 23 acres of restored prairie and 12.5-acres of agricultural land. There is a mowed path around 2 sections of the 23 acres of restored prairie, making for a serene setting for passive uses such as observing wildlife, bird watching, nature study and photography. The local Pheasants Forever chapter has helped with restoration efforts and new prairie plantings on 4 acres on the property. There is a small pioneer cemetery adjacent to the mowed parking lot and informational kiosk.

Please be sure to review the Rules & Regulations for conduct at Ray Thomas Wildlife Preserve.

Prairie and timberland perfect for passive uses such as observing wildlife, nature study and photography. There is a small pioneer cemetery adjacent to the mowed parking lot and informational kiosk.