Event Summary

This fun run is not a race, but is instead a “challenge course” on a natural surface trail. There is some uneven terrain and at each “k” of the course, runners must complete an animal-themed obstacle before continuing. Be prepared to get wet and dirty! Also, just for fun, animal and/or nature-themed outfits are encouraged!
Wild Run details can be found on Facebook. Please see our attached flyer, waiver, and registration form.

Milton R. Owen Nature Center
West of Osage on Highway 9
(641) 732-5204
Cell: (641) 330-0765

7:30-8:30 am
(no registrations after 8:30)

Race starts at 9:00 am

Kid’s Critter Crawl (12 & under)
will begin at 10:00 am

10:30 or following completion of Critter Crawl
First place: Individual & Team
(all 3 team members must cross the finish line together)
Best costume: Individual & Team

T-shirts for pre-registered
participants only!


Adults - $25.00

Child - $10.00

Family - $20.00


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