Building Better Birders - Wetland Birds Hike

Event Summary

We offer a variety of high-quality workshops designed to prepare you for the next step in your birding education. Building Better Birders is a programming series designed to improve the bird identification skills of local citizens & promote a greater interest in citizen science programming. This workshop will be conducted by Kelly McKay (BioEco Research and Monitoring Center) in conjunction with Mitchell County Conservation. Kelly McKay is a recognized leader in the birding field throughout the Midwest. His 40 years of experience in the field as an avian researcher and educator makes these workshops special! Workshops are presented free of charge & supported by the Resource Enhancement and Protection - Conservation Education Program (REAP-CEP). These programs are open to all ages but are geared toward participants age 12 & over. This programming series will feature 3 events in Mitchell County. PLEASE CALL TO PRE-REGISTER to ensure supplies for all attendees. Attendees may register for all programs or may select the ones that most interest them.

Saturday, July 1st, 2023

Location: New Haven Potholes Outdoor Classroom, 3748 Shadow Ave., Osage, Iowa 50461

Time: 6 AM –9AM Wetland Bird Hike at New Haven Potholes Outdoor Classroom.

Where Passion for Birds Meets Education - Building a Community of Lifelong Learners and Citizen Scientists!

