Area Women In The Outdoors Event to be held at the Prairie Heritage Center

SEP 15 2012 8:00 AM

Prairie Heritage Center , O'Brien County

Event Summary

Women, are you interested in learning new outdoor activities in a supportive environment?  A full slate of activities is on tap for this year’s Women in the Outdoors Event sponsored by the National Turkey Federation and the Lyon, O’Brien and Sioux County Conservation Boards.

Learn to make a feast in a Dutch oven!  Get a better understanding of the prairie as you take a walk and learn about prairie plants.  Always be prepared with the parachord bracelet that you make and take home with you.  Take aim with archery as you practice on 3D targets.  Finally, learn some identification tips for the raptors as they pass overhead during the fall hawk migration.

The Women in the Outdoors Event will be held on Saturday, September 15 at the Prairie Heritage Center, 4931 Yellow Avenue.  Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. and the day will conclude at 4:30 p.m.

The $40 registration fee includes a National Turkey Federation membership, subscription to the Women in the Outdoors magazine, the activities for the day and the noon meal. 

Advanced registration is appreciated - Women In The Outdoors Brochure & Registration Form

For more information, contact the O’Brien County Conservation Board at 712-295-7200.


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