Women in the Outdoors
SEP 12 2015 8:00 AM
Event Summary
The Gobblin' Ghosts Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation is holding their annual Women in the outdoors event in O'Brien County at the Prairie Heritage Center this year. This is a wonderful opportunity for women ages 14 and up to enjoy the comradery and support of other ladies as they learn new skills. Those of you between the ages of 14-17 are asked to attend with an adult. There is no upper age limit. You are never too old to try new things!
The event is co-hosted by the Conservation Boards of Lyon, O'Brien, Osceola and Sioux Counties. It will be held this year on Saturday, September 12 beginning at 8:00 a.m. As an optional pre-workshop opportunity, participants may choose to canoe or kayak the Little Sioux River on Friday, September 11th. Boaters will meet at the Prairie Heritage Center at 9:30 a.m. and be back at the center by 2:00 p.m. Pre-registration is required for the river float on Friday and encouraged for the main event on Saturday.
Final plans are underway; however, some of the events that you can expect include Dutch Oven cooking, nature hike, recurve bow archery, spear throwing, bison ecology, monarch tagging and dog training.You can find the registration form below or call 712-2957200 for more information.
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