Nature Playdate - Tyke Hike - FREE

JUL 21 2021 10:30 AM

Fort Des Moines Park , Polk County

Event Summary

Explore, discover and play in your local parks with a Polk County Naturalist.  Meet families interested in getting their children outdoors for natural play and discovery.  Wear appropriate clothes and shoes.  We may be hiking, discovering life in a log or playing in the creek. This is a morning of adventure and discovery with curiosity be the most important ingredient.

Register as a family unit. In the comment section, please indicate the number in your group.  We are limiting group size at PCC public programs this summer to ensure social distancing and provide a higher quality experience for participants. If the registration is full, add your name to the waiting list.  If there is a cancellation, you will be contacted to join the event.


DEADLINE: one day before program

COST: Free

AGES: All ages welcome

Upcoming Nature Playdates Summer 2021:

  • July 21 - Tyke Hike at Fort Des Moines Shelter #3 
  • August 4 - Water Wonders at Jester Park  #5 

