Home School Program -Selenology (Study of Moon) 10-11:30 - Cancelled

MAR 27 2020 10:00 AM

Jester Park , Polk County

Event Summary

Join us for a season of learning at the Jester Park Nature Center as we host the “Ology” Series for students in Kindergarten through 5th Grade. This is a series of programs each delivered in a flexible format & specially designed for homeschool students. Each program will focus on a different “Ology” or scientific field of study giving students a variety of fun experiences in science learning. We will begin with a set of hands-on learning activities to introduce learners to our topic for the day followed by a field session to view nature first-hand. Preregistration is required for these programs. 

Selenology - Our moon is one of a kind! Come learn about what it’s made of and how it influences wildlife on Earth. We will share myths and stories, build paper rockets, and launch them to the sky!

