OWLS - Iowa’s One Room Schoolhouses

JUL 02 2013 11:00 AM

Jester Park , Polk County

Event Summary

OWLS (Older, Wiser, Livelier, Seniors) Looking for an excuse to get out of the house, make some new friends, enjoy a good meal, and learn about the exciting world of nature? Then join us! These programs are held the first Tuesday of each month. The nature program will start at 11:00 a.m. at the Jester Park Lodge. An optional luncheon follows the program at noon in which pre-registration is required. The cost of the catered lunch is $9.00. Lunch registration is due the Friday before the program. Lunch includes BBQ chicken, corn bread, greenbean casserole, salad, and brownie.

Over twelve thousand of these little structures once dotted Iowa's landscapes. Learn how they came into existence, who taught and attended classes there, how the schoolhouses faded into Iowa's history and the affect they had on communities throughout their lifetime. Larry Wilson will share Iowa’s One Room Schoolhouses, IPTV documentary as well as few facts about country schools. Did you or a family member attend a one-room school in Iowa? Please bring pictures and your stories to share.


Adults - $9.00

