JPEC Kip Fladland Horsemanship Clinic- H1

APR 16 2016 1:30 PM

Jester Park , Polk County

Event Summary

Come to JPEC and learn from one of the area's top horsemanship clinicians. Kip Fladland is a nationally clinician who has been a student of horsemanship for over 22 years, learning from Ray Hunt and Buck Brannaman. The techniques you will learn are applicable to all horse disciplines.

This registration link is for participants in the ​Horsemanship 1 PM Class Sessions. Both days- 16th and 17th. Time: 1:30 pm- 4:30 pm.

Participants are also encouraged and included in audit portion of ​AM classes- Ground work. 

Registration is required. 

Must sign both waiver linked below. Thank you! 


Adults - $300.00

Child - $300.00


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