Christmas in July Eco-Bus Trip
JUL 16 2019 7:00 AM
Event Summary
Journey to Algona and explore the historic POW museum and the internationally known Nativity Scene built during WW II. Learn the story of the German officer who built a nativity scene out of mud in the fall of 1944. We will also tour the Agriculture and Motorsports museum featuring the Benschoter Train Station. Our final stop will be a tour of the nature inspired Water’s Edge Nature Center.
Fee: $65 per person, includes transportation, meals and tour fees. Depart from Wal-Mart NW parking lot, Grimes, IA
Registration Deadline: July 2
Cancellation Policy: Reservations are fully refundable prior to registration deadline. After the trip deadline registration may be refunded less the $10 cancellation fee if space can be filled.
Waiting List: A waiting list will be started when the initial trip is full. The waiting list gives an indication of interest and is utilized if initial trip participants cancel.
*Friends of Jester Park membership discount does not apply.
Adults - $65.00