Pearl Buttons & Muscatine Melons Eco-bus Trips -Full, Please add name to waiting list!

Event Summary

Button, button, who’s got the button?  Travel with Polk County Eco-bus trips as we discover the history of the Pearl Button Capital of the World. Muscatine produced 1.5 billion pearl buttons annually in the early 1900’s.  Hear the story of this unique industry.  Explorations will also take us to the oldest working Pine Grist Mill west of the Mississippi River.  Other stops include:  Wild Cat Den State Park, and the Discovery Park Environmental Learning Center, Muscatine melons at the local farmer’s market and lunch along the mighty Mississippi River.  

Fee: $65 per person, includes transportation, meals and tour fees. Depart from Prairie Meadows NW parking lot 1, Altoona, IA.

Registration Deadline: August 13

Cancellation Policy: Reservations are fully refundable prior to registration deadline.  After the trip deadline registration may be refunded less the $10 cancellation fee if space can be filled.

Waiting List: A waiting list will be started when the initial trip is full.  The waiting list gives an indication of interest and is utilized if initial trip participants cancel.

*Friends of Jester Park membership discount does not apply.



Adults - $65.00

