Loess Hills Exploration Trip
JUN 27 2009 8:00 AM
Event Summary
Discover what makes the Loess Hills a unique geologic landform and how the land has changed over time. Plan on hiking several miles through the Loess Hills at Hitchcock Nature Center. During the afternoon we’ll visit Loess Hills State Forest and hike the famous Preparation Canyon Overlook Trail. Participants need to be able to hike several miles on rough terrain and need to bring a drink and sack lunch.
Fee: $35; includes transportation (travel by 15 passenger van) and tour fees. Departure from Jester Park. Minimum age 10. Registration deadline is June 19.
This trip is now full. Please contact Heidi at Heidi.Anderson@polkcountyiowa.gov to be added to a waiting list.
Adults - $35.00
Child - $35.00