Cruisin' into Summer: Eco-Bus Trip- Cancelled due to Covid-19!

Event Summary

Kick off the summer touring the largest RV manufacturing plant in Iowa, Winnebago Industries. Enjoy lunch at the new Forest City Visitor Center.  In the afternoon, travel to Clear Lake and tour the historic Surf Ballroom.  Listen to a local expert weave the story of water quality successes and challenges at Clear Lake. Step on board the Lady of the Lake, an authentic stern wheel paddleboat, for a relaxing 1 ½ hour afternoon cruise.  

Fee: $75 per person includes transportation, meals and tour fees.  Depart from Living History Farms SE Parking lot, Urbandale, IA.

Registration Deadline: June 9

Trip Cancellation Policy: 

Reservations are fully refundable prior to registration deadline. After deadline, registration may be refunded less the $10 cancellation fee if space can be filled. If the reserved space is not filled before the trip, no refund can be given.  

 *Please Note: Friends of Jester Park membership discount and Nature Pass does not apply to Eco-Bus Trips.


Adults - $75.00

