On Safari! Eco Bus trip
AUG 15 2023 7:30 AM
Event Summary
Note: New registration link for 2023 Trips/programs. Click here to register: https://secure.rec1.com/IA/polk-county-ia/catalog?filter=c2VhcmNoPTIzNzgzNDU=
Go on a Safari with Polk County Conservation as we travel westward to Omaha. Our first stop is at the beautiful Lauritzen Gardens. We will explore the 100-acre botanical gardens via a narrated tram tour. Lunch will be at the botanical café with time reserved to explore the unique gift shop. The westward journey continues to the Wildlife Safari Park. A ride thru the Safari park will highlight North American Wildlife from bison and elk to Sandhill Cranes. We will also have an opportunity to view wolves, bears and eagles. Bring your camera and curiosity for a fun day on Safari.
Fee: $120 per person, includes motorcoach transportation, lunch and tour fees.
Departure location TBD.
Registration deadline: August 1.
Trip Cancellation Policy: Reservations are fully refundable prior to registration deadline. After deadline, registration may be refunded less the $10 cancellation fee if space can be filled. If the reserved space is not filled before the trip, no refund can be given.
*Please Note: Friends of Jester Park membership discount and Nature Pass does not apply to Eco-Bus Trips.
Adults - $120.00
Child - $120.00